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Essay on law and order in manipur

Essay on law and order in manipur

essay on law and order in manipur

Essay On Law And Order In Manipur, Thesis Content Writers Dream, The Great Gatsby Synthesis Questions, Thesis Template Gaya Ukm. Stars. Bibliography. for $ Free. Disclaimer: offers custom writing assistance of all types/10() Essay On Ilp In Manipur integrity policies. Disclaimer: nascent-minds is Essay On Ilp In Manipur dedicated Essay On Ilp In Manipur to providing an ethical Essay On Ilp In Manipur tutoring service. We don't provide any sort of writing services. We will not breach university or college academic Essay On Ilp In Manipur integrity policies In , Meghalaya was carved out of Assam as ‘a state within a state’ which had complete autonomy except for law and order, High Court, Public Service Commission and Governor. Finally, Meghalaya, Manipur and Tripura were granted statehood in Meanwhile, secessionist movements developed in Nagaland and Mizoram

Development Of Education In Manipur| Devi.

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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF, essay on law and order in manipur. Challenges for Democratic Governance in Manipur G.

Ram ed. Exploring Social Margins: Human Development in India's North East. Guwahati: Eastern Book House, T Haokip. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper.

Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. Challenges for Democratic Governance in Manipur Thongkholal Haokip Abstract In a state where there exist a number of ethnic groups which are mostly antagonistic, often parallel and competing in their aspirations and supported by each of their armed groups rebelling against the India state demanding various levels of autonomy, settling such demands is not only cumbersome but also time consuming.

In the process the law and order situation has deteriorated and the state continually faces the challenges of governance. The paper also identifies key recommendations for better governance in a democratic framework. Introduction After more than 70 years of independence, India and its people have shown strong commitment towards democracy and faced the challenge of establishing democratic institutions and procedures incorporating them into their deeply rooted traditional culture.

Nonetheless, democracy is still not entrenched and still faces challenges from various radical elements in several parts of the country.

In Northeast India, the dissatisfaction with the way different areas of the region were integrated into the Indian union has led to various armed rebellion against the Indian state. Conceding the demands of some insurgent groups by way of creating new states has had a cascading affect leading to new demands from other smaller ethnic groups vying different levels of autonomy Haokip The emergence of numerous armed groups in the region has been a challenge to the established authorities leading to the deterioration of law and order situation and consequently the promulgation of Armed Forces Special Power Act AFSPAin and its first imposition in Manipur and Assam.

Manipur has the essay on law and order in manipur number of armed groups, almost each tribe having an armed group. South Asia Intelligence Review in its portal lists forty insurgent groups in the state. In the early s dramatic events took place at the global level which transformed the nature of international politics leading to the end of Cold War between the two military blocs and also the end to the stability of the world based on mutual deterrence.

The high risk—high stability situation has been replaced by a low risk—low stability situation Haokip The rise of ethnic nationalism and the resultant ethnic conflicts and tensions have become one of the prominent experiences, especially in Asia, Europe and Africa in the post-Cold War period. The beginning of the s was a turbulent period for India. The country witnessed increasing terrorism and insurgency, political instability and economic crisis Haokip leading to many nation-states facing serious challenges of democratic governance.

However, the word is an essentially contested concept. Societies have practiced various forms of democracies from direct democracy in the past to the inclusive, communicative and deliberative variations of democracy Farrelly, In essay on law and order in manipur recent past democracy came to be synonymous with liberal representative governance Albraster, essay on law and order in manipur, Though there are controversies about the meaning of democracy, yet the responsiveness of the government to the preferences of its citizens is often considered as a key characteristic of democracy Dahl, Democracy in its original sense means the rule by the government in accordance with the will of the people Macpherson, In essence, democracy as a form of politics involves principles of popular rule, ensuring human rights and rule of law Sartori, Democratic politics of any form would often include governance, essay on law and order in manipur, which is conceived of as a system based on active popular participation in the exercise of legitimate authority of the state in a just, transparent and accountable way Chahar, The twentieth century has established democratic and participatory governance as the preeminent model of political organisation, essay on law and order in manipur.

According to Robert I Rotberg the test of failure of democratic governance is the extent to which they deliver high or low levels of political goods and thus satisfy the fundamental, essay on law and order in manipur, expressed expectations and the needs of their citizens Rotberg Infant and m aternal m ortality and poor sanitation are not salient electoral essay on law and order in manipur. In the last few years the headline econom ic stories in India have been about pervasive corruption: politicized allocation of high-value public resources land, m ineral rights, oil and gas, telecom m unicationsshady public-private partnerships and the galloping cost of elections financed by the illicit incom es of politicians.

But India has independent judges, governm ent auditors and a free press — checks on corruption that are absent in China. In India, voters are starting to dem and good governance, and vigorous social m ovements against injustice — caste oppression, sexual violence andenvironm ental degradation — are making a dent.

In India, dem ocracy is weakest at the village level: electoral participation is vigorous, but local elites often capture the local governm ent, leaving bureaucrats little autonomy or m oney to carry out substantial im provem ents. The name was first introduced in the early eighteen century during the reign of Maharaj Garibniwaz Even though the name existed before the advent of the British, it was the British rulers who gave definite boundary to the princely state encompassing all the adjoining hill areas.

Located in the far Northeastern corner of India, Manipur is a home to different ethnic groups. Geographically the state can be divided into valley, situated at the centre, and the hills surrounding it. The valley constitutes about one-tenth of the total area but inhabited by The Meiteis constitute the bulk of the population in the valley. Due to high density of people and pressure on land in the valley, the Meiteis began to settle in Churachandpur and Moreh.

The hills constitute the remaining portion inhabited by Rests of non-tribal populations known as Mayang pejoratively means outsidersare from different parts of the country. Meiteis, the Vaishnavite Hindus are not only debarred from special constitutional privileges granted to Scheduled Tribes but not even permitted under state Land Reform Act to settle in the hill districts. However, there is no such restriction on Nagas and Kukis, who are largely Christians to settle in the valley, essay on law and order in manipur.

Manipur has nine districts, while four of them are in the central valley, the rest are bound in the five hill districts. The Essay on law and order in manipur who are numerically the most predominant community mainly inhabit the valley. Meitei Pangal too, is also mainly found in the Imphal valley. The ancient chronicle of the Meiteis, the Cheitharol Kumpapa, lists 74 Meitei kingdoms going back in time to 33 A, essay on law and order in manipur.

The Kukis were fully aware of the various aspects of the vexing problems of the hills and the valley, essay on law and order in manipur, and therefore pledge to be under Manipur if only conditions are satisfactory.

The Manipur Essay on law and order in manipur at that time were more or less silent over their political destiny even though they joined the main currents of the national movement in Naga Hills.

The post-independence period Manipur witnessed a wedge between the ethnic communities in Manipur. More so, the recent developments indicate the increasing divergence of opinions and even hopes and aspirations among the people of Manipur.

This rift is mainly due to a plethora of policies adopted and pursued by the state government and largely endorsed by the majority community. It has driven a wedge between the hill and valley communities.

The Hill-Valley Divide In a state where there exist a number of communities with a majority community, state policies are taken as the policies of the majority community. The recent developments in the Indian state of Manipur have once again demonstrated the wedge between the hill-valley people. Looking into Northeast India as a whole, the British colonial administration started the division between the hills and plains which was manifested in the form of enacted regulations and acts.

Such polices may not be manifest in its content and appears to be alluring. But an in-depth critical analysis shows latent plot against the interests of the hill people.

While portraying the historical accounts of Manipur, there is always a tendency to ignore the historical contributions and events of the hill people. It is dominated by the Agreement between the King Kiyamba of Manipur and Khekhomba of Pong in upper Myanmar, the Anglo Manipur Friendship treaty inthe Anglo Manipuri Defence Protocol ofthe Treaty of Yandaboo inthe Manipur Merger Agreement in September 21, essay on law and order in manipur,Nupi Lan, etc Hanjabam, The Nagas too fought the British under the leadership of Rani Gaidilung.

Such discourses were largely absent, not only in the history of Indian independence movement but even in the general historiography of Manipur. Historically, the hill and valley had different sets of administration and that the Meitei Maharaja had no jurisdiction over the day-to-day life of the hill people.

As such, the Maharaja had no suzerainty over the hill chiefs but indicated an equal respect for each other dominion. The linguistic problem in Manipur heightened during the early s when the government of Manipur tried to introduce Meiteilon as compulsory subject in class However, the issue was settled by keeping Meiteilon as an optional for the tribal students, essay on law and order in manipur, in lieu English as a subject is offered.

Essay on law and order in manipur the inthe state again witnessed another blockade which last for 69 days between April to June They alleged suppression of the rights of the tribal people. What is demanded is the extension of the provisions of the 6th Schedule of the Constitution of India to the hill areas of Manipur since ANSAM stated that after twenty long years the Manipur state government came out with the Manipur Hill Areas District Councils 3rd Amendment Actdoctored and stripped off all the provisions that go into self-governance and the rights of the hill people over their lands and resources and removing the primacy of the traditional institutions of the tribals.

Such incidents also happened in Leimakhong and Kangchup, where areas that falls under Sadar Hills were contested and even signboards labeling Sadar Hills were destroyed and some public houses burnt to ashes by the plain people. Such polices and actions of the majority community resulted in further polarisation of the divided peoples. These thin end of the wedge needs to be understood and addressed by the competent authority on time so that it do not lead to ethnic explosion resulting in hardship of the common people.

Some generic problems of governance underlie this malaise and obstruct the consolidation of democracy. The most urgent and pervasive problem is the weakness and frequently the decay of the rule of law. No problem more alienates citizens from their political leaders and institutions and undermines political stability and economic development than gross, endemic corruption on the part of government and political party leaders, judges, and officials up and down the bureaucratic hierarchy.

The more endemic the problem of corruption, the more likely it is to be accompanied by other serious deficiencies in the rule of law: smuggling, drug trafficking, criminal violence, personalization of power, and human rights abuses. The other problem is the inability to manage ethnic and regional differences in a peaceful and inclusive way.

Cultural diversity is not, in itself, an insurmountable obstacle to stable democracy. With all of its problems, India has learned how to manage this diversity through complex institutions of federalism.

It is an open secret that there is a nexus between the bureaucrats, insurgents and politicians in Northeast India. This is more so in the state of Manipur. Decentralisation and Democratic Governance Decentralisation is widely believed to improve democratic governance by bringing government closer to the people and thereby increasing state responsiveness and accountability.

Outrageous reply of the Chief Minister of Manipur, Okram Ibobi Singh

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State Of Democracy In Manipur And Other Essays|Singh A.

essay on law and order in manipur

Essay On Law And Order In Manipur, Thesis Content Writers Dream, The Great Gatsby Synthesis Questions, Thesis Template Gaya Ukm. Stars. Bibliography. for $ Free. Disclaimer: offers custom writing assistance of all types/10() Development Of Education In Manipur|M, Immunoenzyme Multiple Staining Methods|C. Van der Loos, Pawned|Frank L. Packard, Automated Accounting Working Papers|Dale Manipur (/ m ʌ n ɪ ˈ p ʊər, m æ n ə ˈ p ʊər /) is a state in Northeast India, with the city of Imphal as its capital. It is bounded by the Indian states of Nagaland to the north, Mizoram to the south and Assam to the west. It also borders two regions of Myanmar, Sagaing Region to the east and Chin State to the south. The state covers an area of 22, square kilometres (8, sq mi

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