Thursday, October 7, 2021

Impulse buying a literature review

Impulse buying a literature review

impulse buying a literature review

A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. For over fifty years, consumer researchers have strived to form a better definition of impulse buying. Early studies on impulse buying stemmed from managerial and retailer interests noticeable behavior. In this context, the role of impulse buying plays a significant role for modern retailers and hence for researchers. In this paper, we have reviewed the literature on the impulse buying behavior and proposed a comprehensive outline of impulse buying behavior to be explored and empirically tested in future research by: The process of impulse buying is influenced by various external, situational, and internal stimulus factors. The extant literature review suggests that Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

Past, Present, and Future of Impulse Buying Research Methods: A Systematic Literature Review

Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Impulse buying IB represents a pivotal subject in consumer psychology. A general agreement on its core elements and their relationship is arguably established. So far, however, there has been little discussion about how to assess impulse purchases, leading to a potential divergence of practise from theory and complexities in cross-study comparability. This systematic literature review investigates the research methods and metrics employed in high-quality literature to evaluate impulse shopping behaviours across different environments, including online, offline, and multichannel settings.

Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses PRISMA criteria, the literature search has been conducted on databases relevant for scientific literature, including Scopus, Web of Science, and ProQuest.

Fifty-four articles were included in this systematic review. Findings show the existence of four methods to investigate IB, namely quantitative self-reports, laboratory investigations, fieldwork observations, and qualitative interviews. A comparison of the four methods in terms of fit highlights that self-reports and interviews provide a significant contribution in assessing the cognitive facet of impulse purchasing. Laboratory investigations and fieldwork observation find a better fit with the conative and visceral facets of impulsive buying.

Considering the major role of affective charges occurring during impulse shopping, complementary research approaches, and metrics belonging to applied psychophysiology and consumer neuroscience are examined, impulse buying a literature review. Three opportunities for future research are discussed, including theory building and refinement, understanding individual differences, and honing behavioural predictions.

Impulse buying IB represents an established topic in consumer psychology. Several reviews find common ground in describing it as a multifaceted construct, which includes conative, visceral, and cognitive factors Xiao and Nicholson, ; Amos et al.

From its conative side, IB is conceptualised as an act with no pre-shopping intentions driven by immediate self-fulfilment Rook, ; Rook and Fisher, ; Beatty and Ferrell, Conative expressions of IB also include rapid decision-making and on-the-spot actions Piron, ; Lades, Concerning its visceral facet, IB involves a compelling psychological urge to purchase and a powerful emotional charge Rook and Gardner, ; Wood, ; Baumeister, Impulse buying further stimulates emotional conflict in the post-purchase due to its hedonic content Puri, ; Dittmar and Drury, Third, regarding its cognitive aspect, IB favours short-term gains triggered by the urgency to seek immediate gratification.

This drive appears to be triggered by alluring desires towards the possession of a product Rook and Hoch, ; Dholakia, and has been related to fallacious intertemporal decisions, where immediate smaller rewards are favoured on delayed greater rewards. Impulse buying has been investigated from different perspectives Verplanken and Sato, and a general agreement on its core elements is impulse buying a literature review established in the literature Xiao and Nicholson, So far, however, there has been little discussion about how to assess impulse purchases.

This scant consideration of assessment methods might lead to inconsistencies in research. First, inconsistencies between the theoretical conceptualisation of IB and its actual measurement may lead to a divergence of practise from theory.

This misalignment mines theory confirmations or confutations and it tends to increase the distance between academics and practitioners Kumar, Second, the absence of empirical standards for IB assessment may hamper cross-study comparability in upcoming research. A lack of a common method may further hinder replicability and lead to fragmentation within the same field of research, which is a documented concern in actual IB research Xiao and Nicholson, ; Chan et al.

The present work intends to bridge this gap by systematically investigating the methods and metrics employed in consumer research to assess IB across different environments, including online, offline, and multichannel settings. This paper offers the scholarly community a consolidated overview of approaches employed in consumer behaviour research. We discuss past and current methods as well as emerging techniques highlighting their features in the different contexts of use, impulse buying a literature review.

Our argumentations follow a positivist perspective, positing that the facets of IB might be assessed through measurements. This stance seemingly appears to be shared by the greater majority of authors delving into the topic Beatty and Ferrell, ; Hausman, Along these lines, our intended contribution is two-fold. First, we advance suggestions concerning the suitability of each research method to different research goals.

Through a direct comparison of the research methods employed in IB research, we provide indications about the type of research approach and metrics that might be appropriate depending on the context and the specific facet of IB. Second, impulse buying a literature review, we provide suggestions about possible metrics borrowed from parallel fields to complement existing research approaches and set directions for forthcoming work, impulse buying a literature review.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. First, we describe our review methodology, including literature search, impulse buying a literature review, selection, and coding.

Next, we present our analysis of the literature. Based on the findings of our review, we discuss the fit with IB research of each approach and consider the existing methodological gaps. Lastly, we advance potential directions for future work. A systematic literature review was conducted to analyse IB assessment methods. This approach was chosen due to the maturity of the topic in the marketing and consumer behaviour literature and to foster replicability of results.

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses PRISMA statement was used for this article Page et al. The initial phase of the research process required defining the search wordings and research boundaries. To avoid an overly narrow stance, our definition of IB included reminder, planned, suggestion, and pure impulse purchases as described by Stern Likewise, we adopted an extensive selection of research methods including both qualitative approaches e.

Based on these assumptions, we employed a three-layer query. Further synonyms were introduced in line with previous reviews Xiao and Nicholson, ; Chan et al.

The third layer was intended to exclude studies with psychiatric implications i. Since IB behaviours are generally independent of sociodemographic variables Amos et al. Additional studies were also located by searching papers referenced in listed articles. All the additional articles impulse buying a literature review retrieved through snowballing from the sample articles.

These included studies cited in the methodology as the seminal studies e. The structured query included filter related to subject areas, language, and document type. We selected subject areas linked to business and management fields, psychology, as well as impulse buying a literature review sciences.

The documents included were limited to peer-reviewed research published in English, thus excluding conference proceedings and book chapters. An example of the specific query employed on Scopus is reported in Supplementary Figure 1 among Supplementary Material. The search phase resulted in the collection of documents. All the gathered documents were successive to the seminal paper introducing the concept of IB in the marketing literature, namely Sterntherefore congruent with the chosen definition of IB.

In particular, the selected literature ranged from to In the screening phase, duplicates were removed based on abstract screening. A total of 93 articles was removed impulse buying a literature review this stage. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to ensure sample reliability. Inclusion criteria were employed to include high-quality literature.

First, to ensure the selection of high-quality research and the appropriate coverage of a wide selection of academic journals, we narrowed our sample by focusing on high-ranked journals, impulse buying a literature review. In line with Morris et al.

Seventy nine research papers were excluded after this stage. Based on the analysis of full texts, we excluded 25 cases where IB was not the main object of the study.

Accordingly, we excluded research papers where IB was considered an antecedent of other constructs deemed beyond the present research scope e. Next, exclusion criteria aimed at removing studies having no empirical results i. A total of seven documents was excluded after this stage. To minimise the risk of bias, inclusion and exclusion criteria were independently evaluated by the two authors, impulse buying a literature review. Overall, 54 documents impulse buying a literature review deemed relevant at the end of the search process.

Figure 1 illustrates the flowchart of the study selection process, which was based on the PRISMA protocol Page et al. The following step of the review process concerned the categorisation of the gathered literature.

To systematically document the cataloguing process, we extracted the following information from each study: i research approaches, namely the typology of research to investigate IB e. Despite being a well-established construct in the consumer behaviour literature, the assessment of IB appears to be mainly developed in the impulse buying a literature review two decades.

Beatty and Ferrell might be deemed the seminal paper for pioneering the application of SEM to multiple hypothesis testing. The advent of the internet allowed to broaden the conceptualisation of IB, framing it also in the online environment Adelaar et al. Alternative qualitative impulse buying a literature review prove to be entirely based on face-to-face interviews.

Self-reports were often assessed through closed-ended scales evaluating the level of agreement on agree-disagree scales or between semantic items. These scales were regularly adapted from multiple-item scales present in the prior marketing literature Silvera et al. Alternative approaches to assess IB were found in hypothetical scenarios descriptions investigating the personal evaluations of the respondent on semantic close-ended scales Chih et al.

Impulse Buying appears to be assessed through self-reports either as a personality trait or as a measure of recalled past acts of buying. Impulse buying-related personality traits prove to be entirely assessed through multiple-item scales, though not univocally defined.

The case of IB tendency is emblematic. Three different major scales are employed to assess IB tendency, namely the ones developed by Rook and FisherWeun impulse buying a literature review al. The 9-item scale developed by Rook and Fisher appear to be the most frequently used tool tallied 16 times as significantwhile the other two scales are frequently used as well each tallied 7 times.

No relevant difference was spotted impulse buying a literature review the temporal adoption of any of the three, being all used both in earlier Beatty and Ferrell, ; Kacen and Lee, ; Silvera et al. Content-wise, the scale developed by Verplanken and Herabadi takes a different angle, discriminating between cognitive and affective facets of the phenomenon and hence proves to be more often adopted in psychology-related studies Lucas and Koff, To the best of our knowledge, no specific study has tackled the issue of comparing the three scales in terms of effectiveness.

Notwithstanding, more recent impulse buying a literature review contributed to the development of further scales that consider also the conative facet of IB in a cross-cultural setting Sharma et al. It is relevant to note that other significant personality traits are mostly assessed through established scales adopted in other research fields, including marketing, sociology, and psychology Das, ; Olsen et al.

This underscores the interdisciplinary interest in assessing IB behaviours. The investigation of recalled acts of buying is variegated. Direct queries are frequently used to determine the essence of the purchase. These are recorded through multiple-item Likert scales evaluating the unplanned side of IB e.

LITERATURE REVIEW: Step by step guide for writing an effective literature review

, time: 23:44

impulse buying a literature review

Literature Review Internet penetrating fast, people embracing it positively and businesses trading through multiple platforms, customers are regularly attracted to cues that enhance unplanned, unintentional purchasing (Kim, ) Therefore, identifying consumer buying patterns may help understand the consumer better so online impulse buying can be harnessed The impulse buying have been investigated by consumer behavior researchers and marketing academician more than a half century. The aim of this study Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins noticeable behavior. In this context, the role of impulse buying plays a significant role for modern retailers and hence for researchers. In this paper, we have reviewed the literature on the impulse buying behavior and proposed a comprehensive outline of impulse buying behavior to be explored and empirically tested in future research by:

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