Thursday, October 7, 2021

Past dissertations

Past dissertations

past dissertations

Past Dissertations Since , over dissertations were completed in Fordham University's Center for Catholic School Leadership and Faith-Based Education. We are proud of The following is a list of all dissertations that have been written in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures: David Hock From a Space out of Time: Russian Poetry and the Aesthetic Ideology After the Soviet Union. Lev Nikulin Fear Obscured: The Apophatic Horror of Nikolai Gogol. Massimo Balloni Table 5: Dissertations from ; Name Year Title Mentor; Peter McLaren Black: Killing and Letting Die: Tom Beauchamp: Ileana Jacoubovitch Grams: The Logic of Insanity Defense: Tom Beauchamp: Sander H. Lee: Does Moral Freedom Imply Anarchism? Henry Veatch: Francine Michele Rainone: Marx and the Classical Tradition in Moral Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs

Past Dissertations | Research | Fordham

Sinceover dissertations were completed in Fordham University's Center for Catholic School Leadership and Faith-Based Education. We are proud of all of our graduates. Reeves, T. God-talking in liminal spaces: a phenomenological study on black millennials disaffiliation from christendom. Fordham University, past dissertations, New York. Dere, J. Effective church engagement with young adults: an organizational case study past dissertations doctoral dissertation], past dissertations.

Fordham University, New York, Past dissertations. Fernandes, V. Ignatian identity of school educators in a multicultural society of India: a comparative study [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Dhani, A. From the heart of Catholic higher education: non-Catholic faculty perception of Catholic identity [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Bravo, M.

Una comunidad catolica: U. hispanic popular Catholicism among college students at a Catholic university [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Historical educational policy study on school closures and school choice during the Bloomberg administration [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Brown, M, past dissertations. De Santis Brown, G. Mission effectiveness and institutional environment: Influence of Catholic mission on undergraduate core curriculum programs [Unpublished doctoral dissertation].

Adutwum, C, past dissertations. Perceptions of Catholic school superintendents on same-sex issues in Catholic schools: A national study [Unpublished doctoral dissertation].

Olofinkua, V. Serpe, V. Latino families in N Catholic education: A study of customer satisfaction [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Dwyer, C. Our Way of Proceeding: A Case Past dissertations of Service-Learning In Two Jesuit High Schools. Doctoral dissertation. Holt, P. Translating Ignatian Values into a Virtual Space in Jesuit Universities and Colleges.

Torres, L. A Descriptive Study of the Cultural Awareness of Parochial Elementary School Leaders. Johnson, W. Perceptions of Jesuit College and University Governing Board Effectiveness: Characteristics, Behaviors, and Mission Connections. Moloney, B. The Mission of Mercy: Catholic High Schools, School Presidents, and Pope Francis.

Cavanagh, J. Who am I to judge? Pastoral practices toward LGBT students in American Jesuit Colleges. Nelson, M. Senior-level Administrator perceptions of collective bargaining at Catholic Colleges and Universities. Hurley, J. Information technology staff awareness of the Jesuit educational mission in higher education. Perceptions of Effective Jesuit College and University Governing Boards: Characteristics, past dissertations, Behaviors, And Relationships to Mission Doctoral dissertation.

Jones, J. The potential for school-to-school networks to foster school improvement efforts. Kang, H. Cross-racial and cross-cultural leadership experiences of first generation immigrant Korean-American United Methodist Clergywomen. Murphy, S. Catholic HS Department Chairs: Teachers, Leaders and Promoters of Catholic Identity Doctoral dissertation, past dissertations.

Sampson-Nelson, M Senior-Level Administrator Perceptions of Collective Bargaining at Catholic Colleges and Universities. Bleasdale, J. Moving from tolerance to inclusion in Jesuit high schools: A matter of justice. Lovric, Past dissertations. Tale of two cities UK and USA vocational school leaders: Perceptions and experiences.

Davis, H. Beloved co-laborers: A leadership framework from Leo XIII writings on the dignity of labor. Greenwald-Dimizio, J. Values of Catholic science educators and their impact on attitudes of science, teaching, and learning. Ngadi, E, past dissertations. The impact of governance change on principal leadership: The new Catholic school academy.

Andronico, K. Beale, N. Catholic generation X school leaders: Their impact on the Catholic identity of the Catholic school Doctoral dissertation. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. UMI No. Cagantas, past dissertations, D. The Gawad Kilinga theory of social transformation: A grounded theory past dissertations. Colondrea, J.

Finley, R. African-American NYCDOE high school assistant principals: Self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and aspirations to be a principal. Knight, C. Teague, J. Wenzel, D. Exploring the supervision experiences of student affairs mid-level leaders in Catholic higher education Doctoral dissertation. Azhakath, M. Teresian leadership: A historical analysis. Bature, A. The role of faith-based schools in the promotion of peace and justice in ethno-religious conflict-driven Taraba state, Nigeria Doctoral dissertation.

Cosgrove, T. An ethic past dissertations care: A study of its presence or absence in the lives of Jesuit secondary students.

Dunleavy, C. Mobility of assistant principals: Examining their roles, accomplishments and aspirations. Garcia, N. New assistant principals: The effects of union sponsored professional development on their job satisfaction, efficacy, and career aspirations. Gode, M. The role of opinion leaders in the effectiveness and acceptance of alternative education programs. Hussey, M. Job-embedded professional development: How school leaders create and support the structures for improved teacher effectiveness.

Imhangbe, O. Jean-Charles, W. Immigrant adolescent perceptions of parental and teacher autonomy: Effects on intrinsic motivation, engagement, and self-regulated learning Doctoral dissertation. Leaks, past dissertations, R. Newkirk, D. Preparing African American women for Baptist church leadership: Impact on belief and practice of female ministers. Solimene, D.

Implementing a student advisory program for 9th graders: Two high school models in action. Torres, M. Emotional intelligence in principals and how it past dissertations teacher principal relationships.

How To Choose A Research Topic For A Dissertation Or Thesis (7 Step Method + Examples)

, time: 38:41

Past dissertations | Biomedical Engineering | College of Science and Engineering

past dissertations

Table 5: Dissertations from ; Name Year Title Mentor; Peter McLaren Black: Killing and Letting Die: Tom Beauchamp: Ileana Jacoubovitch Grams: The Logic of Insanity Defense: Tom Beauchamp: Sander H. Lee: Does Moral Freedom Imply Anarchism? Henry Veatch: Francine Michele Rainone: Marx and the Classical Tradition in Moral Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs The following is a list of all dissertations that have been written in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures: David Hock From a Space out of Time: Russian Poetry and the Aesthetic Ideology After the Soviet Union. Lev Nikulin Fear Obscured: The Apophatic Horror of Nikolai Gogol. Massimo Balloni Past dissertations Past dissertations. Ed Bello "Characterization of the Cortical Electrophysiological Effects of Motor Thalamic DBS" Advisor: Matt Johnson. Sam Hanson "Biointerfacing Polymers to Overcome Challenges in Vaccine Delivery, Gene Therapy, and Cancer Therapy" Advisor: Chun Wang. Julian Preciado

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