Thursday, October 7, 2021

Reflective essay models

Reflective essay models

reflective essay models

Models of Reflection A short guide to models of reflective practice Introduction If you are not used to being reflective it can be hard to know where to start the process. Luckily there are many models which you can use to guide your reflection. Below are brief outlines of four of the most popular models arranged from easy to more advanced (tip The reflective model which I will be using is the Driscoll by Borton model. According to The University of Nottingham (no date) the model is based on 3 questions What?, So what? and What now?. The Open University () states that reflection allows you to improve personal skills and look back on how effective it was, why you did it that way and how you can improve it  · In a reflective essay, a writer primarily examines his or her life experiences, hence the term ‘reflective’. The purpose of writing a reflective essay is to provide a platform for the author to not only recount a particular life experience, but to also explore how he or she has changed or learned from those experiences

What is a reflective essay? – Reflective Essay Format and Models

In this assignment, I will examine an incident which I experienced during practise on my placement at a local care home and reflect on how I carried it out. The reflective model which I will be using is the Driscoll by Borton model. According to The University of Nottingham no date the model is based on 3 questions What? and What now?. The Open University states that reflection allows you to improve personal skills and look back on how effective it was, reflective essay models, why you did it that way and how you can improve it.

I am doing this reflection so that I am able to identify the specific things which I believe I could work on, reflective essay models, allowing me to become a better clinician. HCPC states that reflection also benefits the patients you make contact with in the future, therefore suggesting that once you have reflected on an event, you are likely to have a bigger understanding on what you can do within a similar situation for the future.

It was really easy to contact her and respond very fast as well. Reflective essay models patient encounter was on placement at a local care home. A resident had to go to Accident and Emergency as he had broken his wrist by falling. I offered to go with resident Has Dementia Solutions Inc no date states that being in an unfamiliar environment can cause a person with Dementia to feel restless or confused and by myself going with him prevented this from happening.

One factor from the scenario I would like to discuss is my communication — Caring Connection, Inc advises that before speaking to a person with Dementia it is best to be aware that you should not speak to the patient how you would speak to a child as it can come across as degrading towards them, reflective essay models. Also, it is recommended that you talk clearly, calm and in short sentences to avoid any confusion.

It is also advised to allow them time to answer you, as they may need to process what you said and make sense of it. The final piece of advice which is advised, is that you reflective essay models carefully and to expect delays in conversation, interruption may confuse the patient.

From when we left the residential home and got to Accident and Emergency, I spoke clearly to Resident H at all times to reassure him and would only reflective essay models short and simple questions which I knew he had the capacity of answering. When I spoke to him, I ensured that I did not sit too close to him as it may have caused distress. I knew he was a fan of sports so I used that topic of conversation as a method of distraction.

However; I did not consider the fact that it may take more time for Resident H to process what I was saying to him, luckily this did not reflective essay models any confusion, but in the future, if I was to find myself in situation similar to this one, I would consider that interruption could lead to the service user to feel confused, reflective essay models.

Staff must consider equity when with patients — According to World Health Organizationequity means that a service users health should not be disregarded because of their sex, ethnicity or race. To achieve health equity, it means to allow service users to have equal opportunities. Furthermore; Roemer. J states that equity is when all service users with alike health needs receive similar or the same treatment and opportunities whatever their background.

This is very important because it shows that all healthcare professionals are expected to treat all of their patients the same and provide them with the correct information about their health. In addition to this; Mcintyre.

D states that equity in health care settings will develop over the years, this shows that professionals are aware that the service users they come in to reflective essay models with are more likely to be of different backgrounds and ethnicities. I treated Resident H fairly throughout the whole time of the incident, throughout my placement, I ensured that I treated all of the residents equally and fairly.

During the incident, I was kind and I made resident H feel like he could speak to me if he needed to. However, an improvement which I believe I could make for the future is to look into equity further, this is so I can extend my knowledge on the topic and so I can find ways in which I can promote it in situations such as this one, reflective essay models.

Another factor which staff must think about is their patients dignity — Hicks. D states that working as a clinician means that you must accept all individuals by treating them equally and giving the patient the attention which they need reflective essay models listening to their concerns and responding to them.

Another factor which Hicks. Furthermore; Royal College of Nursing advise staff to ensure that the service users privacy is taken into consideration, this can be done by staff ensuring that their patients are not needing to go to the toilet or that their modesty is protected.

Throughout, I ensured that his dignity was protected, reflective essay models. I promoted this by ensuring that he had not been incontinent, due to his severity of Dementia, Resident H has a history of being incontinence, however he was clean before leaving the home.

if he had an accident before leaving, instead of saying out loud, I would take a carer to the side and explain to them that he will need to have his clothes changed before leaving to go to the accident department. Moreover, I ensured that I was getting permission before entering his personal space, I did not want to intimidate him or make him feel stressed in a high pressured situation, so when I had to help him sit on the bed of the ambulance Reflective essay models would ask him if he was happy for me to support his back whilst he sat down.

Although, I did not let him choose his own clothing. When Resident H was leaving to go to the Ambulance, I should have given him the opportunity to choose what coat he would like to wear and asked if he needed help putting it on, I assumed he needed the assistance.

If this scenario was to occur again the the future, I would promote the service users independence by letting them choose their own items of clothing and ask if they need assistance when dressing, instead of assuming that they are in need of reflective essay models. I would also like to assess my manual handling during the event — Journal of Nursing Education and Practice advises that the patients reflective essay models or slippers are fitted correctly to minimize the risk of falling, also explain to them what the task is and its purpose, then to repeat it and finally to place the correct walking aid such as a frame in position and to let the patient know that it is there.

In addition to this; the Health and Safety Executive no date evaluate the risk factors associated with moving and handling by using TILE.

TILE is an acronym for Task, meaning you must consider any obstacles which can become a risk to yourself or reflective essay models patient; Individual, means that the task may have to be approached differently.

Load means to contemplate the weight or size of the load. Finally, the last factor to consider is environment, reflective essay models, to aim to think about any confined spaces which could have an impact on the task. Throughout this, I remained patient because it took the resident in my care reflective essay models to walk from his chair to the ambulance. I ensured that he did not feel like he was being rushed because this could have lead to him falling and therefore causing more damage to his wrist or injuring himself.

Additionally, reflective essay models, I positioned a frame in front of Resident H so he could have some support in getting up out of his chair I also informed him that it was there so he was able to use it. However, reflective essay models, I did not repeat what I said to Resident H before assisting him on to the bed in the Ambulance.

Ideally, I should have repeated what I said because he may have not understood what he was going to be doing and this potentially may have caused some confusion, reflective essay models. If I find myself in a similar situation, reflective essay models, I would improve by ensuring that the patient has an understanding on what they will be assisted in doing and I will also aim to consider TILE when it comes to moving and handling patients.

I would like to reflect on my awareness of Safeguarding throughout my scenario. According to EduCare an adult who has a physical disability or mental disability such as Dementia, their safety is at a higher risk than a service user who has capacity or is not physically disabled.

If a vulnerable adult was to be dependent on someone it could possibly lead to abuse and for this to be avoided then the staff giving that vulnerable person the support they need should know their safeguarding responsibilities. In addition to this, the Royal College of Nursing states reflective essay models there is a Duty of Care where every professional is expected to follow and act a specific way towards service users. If staff were not to meet the standards of care mentioned in Duty of Care, then it can be seen as them neglecting their service users.

Furthermore; Social Care Institute for Excellence states that there are safeguarding principles put into place specifically for adult safeguarding, these principles are; empowerment, prevention, proportionality, reflective essay models, protection, partnership and accountability. By the six key principles being put into place by the UK Government, any risk of harm is reduced as professionals are more aware on how to make informed decisions by following the reflective essay models. During the incident which occurred, there were no safeguarding issues which I came across.

The situation was controlled well by professionals reflective essay models all followed the key principles in order to ensure Resident H was receiving the best care possible. I believe that I thought about confidentiality during this scenario. I had known the patient for 5 weeks and had spent a lot of my placement caring for and assisting him which aided me to learn a lot about him and when speaking to the paramedics, I ensured that I was not giving any of his personal information away as that would have been breaching confidentiality.

However, reflective essay models, during the time of the incident I did not think much about safeguarding as we did not reflective essay models any safeguarding issues and all professions carried out their safeguarding role correctly so maybe I should have thought about what to do if any potential safeguarding issues occurred.

Finally, if I was to come across this situation again I would try and think about the key principles if I believed that a safeguarding issue had to be put into place and I would do this by looking into what the reflective essay models principles are in detail. In conclusion, reflective essay models, I have identified why all of the factors I have mentioned are important for patients and in healthcare environments, such as safeguarding. This shows that I am able to reflect reflective essay models previous events and find ways reflective essay models which I can reflective essay models so I am able to become a better clinician for the future.

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The Reflective Model Free Essay Example

reflective essay models

The reflective model which I will be using is the Driscoll by Borton model. According to The University of Nottingham (no date) the model is based on 3 questions What?, So what? and What now?. The Open University () states that reflection allows you to improve personal skills and look back on how effective it was, why you did it that way and how you can improve it Reflective Essays. Atkins and Murphy Model of Reflection. Borton's Model of Reflection. Brookfield Reflective Model. Gibbs Model of Reflection. Greenaway Model of Reflection. Johns’ Model for Structured Reflection. Kolb Reflective Model. Marks-Moran and Rose, Mezirow Model of Transformative Learning. Rolfe Reflective Model. Schon Gibb’s Reflective Model Essay Sample. A reflective essay is a type of educational work in which students need to undergo through specific familiarity. They are required to read certain books and then they need to explain the same in written form. Many students’ faces issues in writing good research and high-quality teamwork reflection essay

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