Thursday, October 7, 2021

Shawshank redemption rooftop scene

Shawshank redemption rooftop scene

shawshank redemption rooftop scene

Shawshank Redemption tarring roof scene - analysis The Shawshank Redemption is famous for being one of the best movies ever created, this is due to scenes like this one keeping the audience engaged throughout, this scene keeps the audience engaged Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins Feb 17,  · Red (Narrator) The harsh walls of Shawshank have disappeared for the men. This is an uplifting scene as we watch the harsh, unbreakable walls of Shawshank dissolve away for the men as they sit in the sun and drink a cold bottle of beer. Andy sits alone, in the shade and without a beer to show that he is different from the rest of the men Aug 20,  · The Shawshank Redemption is often considered as one of the greatest movies of the 20th century (IMDB all-time #1). The movie takes place in at a crowded prison in Maine called Shawshank. The drama was written and directed by Frank Darabont, based on the Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.9/10

Beers On The Roof in Shawshank Redemption - Movie Moments - Illustrated Fiction

Ellie, You make a really good start but then it is unfinished and most of the terms are missing. This must be completed ASAP, shawshank redemption rooftop scene. Thursday, 5 February Shawshank Redemption tarring roof scene - analysis. What is editing? Editing is the process in which separate clips are combined together into sequences, once the clips are in a sequence they are then altered to produce a longer piece of media.

In the past when every single film was filmed onto film, the editing process was a strenuous and incredibly delicate process of cutting and sicking separate pieces of film together.

This is where the term 'cut' comes from, due to the fact that the pieces of film were literally cut apart and then stuck together to form the sequence. Editing these sequences was a shawshank redemption rooftop scene process as they had to be tampered with on the piece of film, so being careful was key, due to the fact that one small slip up and that shot could be ruined instantly.

Modern technology has enabled filmmakers to have an easier and less stressful time during the editing process. Films are now edited on computers which means that the clips can be edited by the click of a button, this has a much lower risk to it as the footage can not be physically damaged whilst being edited, shawshank redemption rooftop scene.

Modern technology also opens up new options when editing, this is due to the fact that effects and transitions can be put in with ease. An extremely good example of a film shot on digital using transitions alot to benefit it is Star Wars 3 The clip below showcases the use of one transition the 'wipe' and how it works really well in the movie.

The 'wipe' is used in this movie to help leave one piece of action and go straight to another piece on one smooth transition, shawshank redemption rooftop scene, which is extremely effective in this movie, shawshank redemption rooftop scene. However there are many more transition effects which can be implemented into movies, such as: What is continuity? It establishes a 'logical coherence' between shots that keeps it flowing correctly. Establishing shots: An establishing shot is a set-up in part of a show or movie that establishes the plot and context for the viewer, this often features the main characters and or important objects in the movie, this is used to set the tone for the rest of the scene in which the viewer is about to watch.

There are many great examples of establishing shots in media, however the one I have gone for is Spider-man, due to the fact that it fits the definition perfectly from panning to the building to Peter Parker the main character walking through the door. Match on action shots: Is a technique in which the editor cuts from one shot to another shot in which matches the action in the first shot, these shots may be shot hours from each other, however, they paint the illusion of continuous time when the viewer is watching the fully edited final film.

This is used to create a 'visual bridge' this makes the viewer less likely to notice the cutting or any tiny continuity errors which may occur between the shots. A good example of this being used is in the first Matrix movie it can be viewed here: Eye-line cuts: Eye-line cuts are a fantastic way of engaging the viewer, it is used so that they can see what the character is seeing, this not only helps to develop the movies plot in more detail, but it is also helps for the viewer to feel closer to shawshank redemption rooftop scene character and feel as though they are experiencing the same things.

A good example of this is in Voyager it can be viewed here: Cut: A cut is the most common transition, shawshank redemption rooftop scene, it is an instant change from one shot to the next shot the majority of all transitions are cuts, shawshank redemption rooftop scene. For examples of where cuts are effective click here.

These clips show different ways in which they can be effective, is a great example of where a cut can be used to make a fight scene into a more dramatic scenario. They are also a great way switching to a different time zone or different location, a great example of this is between the times of - Cuts are great ways of keeping the audience engaged, shawshank redemption rooftop scene do so by going straight to the next scene or piece of action instantly, these are generally seen as the best way of keeping the viewer engaged, this is why they have kept their popularity with filmmakers ever since the creation of films.

Reaction shots are also used to show the inmates' reactions to when Andy is approaching the guards. This is used between:this is used to show that the inmates are scared about what Andy is doing, the audience can then infer from this that this is an extremely careless and stupid thing to shawshank redemption rooftop scene, and that Andy is going to endanger himself, this puts the viewer in a state of wondering what is going to happen and find out just what Andy has been thinking about whilst listening to their conversation, shawshank redemption rooftop scene, however the reaction of the inmates should then be passed on to the audience and they should also feel worried about what is to happen next.

The same shot of the inmates reaction is used again, this time between the time atthis time it is used in a much more serious way, as this time Andy's life is genuinely at a more serious and immediate threat as he is seconds away from being thrown off of the roof, this is used so that the audience go on the edge of their seat, and will help to raise the tension and shock of the situation and the seriousness of what is about to happen.

Birds eye view shot: There is an example of a birds eye view shot in this scene, at the time ofthis is used to show how close to the edge of the roof Andy is and how far the drop is in itself. This is once again used to keep the viewer engaged in the action and helps them to notice the sheer magnitude of what one wrong word could mean for Andy. Low angle shot: There are also examples of low angle shots, an example of this is when the inmates are seen drinking their beer atthis is used to give them some authority, this is due to the fact that Red is saying how they could of been cleaning their own roofs, and that they were the lords of all creation.

Meaning that for the first time he felt normal and wasn't underneath everyone as a criminal, the low angle shot gives the inmates authority and shows that they can have some normality left and that they for once felt powerful at this point. This has a connection with the audience as they will now realize that even though they are criminals, they are still normal human beings deep down. In this scene, shawshank redemption rooftop scene, lighting is also used in a very smart way, it is shone on the faces of the inmates which helps to paint the image of happiness as the shone will signify happiness and draws the viewers attention to them.

Tracking shot: There is an example of a tracking shot used at:the shot tracks and slowly gets closer to Red's face as he discusses how he feels free, the shot then continues to track just past his face and whilst he is discussing being 'free' the camera picks up the policeman in the background, this is a very effective shot, this is due to the fact that the viewer will realize that however 'free' they may feel, they are still prisoners and freedom is the exact opposite to what they have, it is a powerful shot that plays with the viewers emotions, however much they may like the characters they have still been found guilty as criminals by a court of law.

Shot-reverse-shot: A shot reverse shot is a technique shawshank redemption rooftop scene which one character is shown looking in the direction of another character is shown to be looking in the direction of another character, the camera then cuts to the face of the other character looking back in the corresponding direction, this helps to create the image that both characters are staring at eachother, there is an example of this in the scene at:shawshank redemption rooftop scene, when Andy and the prison warden are facing off.

A shot reverse shot can help the viewer to understand what is going on and help them realise that two characters are staring at eachother. In this scene, the establishing shot lasts from toit sets the scene perfectly, due to the fact that the bucket of tar is followed up onto the roof of the men tarring the roof being guarded by the police, this sets the scene immediately, shawshank redemption rooftop scene there are no questions on the audiences mind, they will know exactly what is happening, which is important here, so they realise exactly what is happening.

An example of a type of shot variation that is not used in this text is a montage. A montage is generally used to put selected shorter clips together to make one longer clip to create a piece of film that shows progression and or a time frame change, these are used in many movies, mainly consisting of the protagonist learning or training for something that will be happening to them later in the film, however, shawshank redemption rooftop scene, there are some instances in which the antagonist can also be a feature of a montage, although these are much rarer instances.

A great example of a montage featuring the protagonist is in Team America, this is supposed to be a comedic montage, however, it is a prime example of a montage done well.

Another technique in shawshank redemption rooftop scene is missing from my text was instances of providing and withholding information, shawshank redemption rooftop scene.

Providing information is used so that the viewer sees everything in which has occurred so no questions can be asked. A prime example of this happening in film media is the famous scene in jaws with the famous soundtrack in which when Jaws gets gradually closer to its victims the music increases and the shots gets shorter, this is used to keep the viewers heart rate going and going quicker as the danger becomes more apparent.

For a better and more common example of cutaways in media, the TV series 'Family Guy' is renound for its use of cutaways from its action, shawshank redemption rooftop scene, however, this are much more sporadic than when used in movies and in this instance is used very commonly and for comedic action, this being used can be viewed here:.

Another example of a technique missing from this scene is the use of jump-cuts, jumps-cuts are used to show time moving forward, they are generally the exact same shot, however they are taken at completely different times, these are now scene as violations of 'classic' continuity editing, however, they are used commonly in movies nowadays, they are used to show time progression and development of a shawshank redemption rooftop scene, generally happening in action type shawshank redemption rooftop scene movies and not in dramas.

A good example of this happening in a film would be:. Cross cutting also does not feature in the piece of 'The Shawshank Redemption in which I chose to analyse. Cross-cutting is used to go forwards and backwards in time, this is used so that the clips are not in a linear fashion which can become stale and boring very quickly, however, cross-cutting can be used to show the exact moment something important happened in the past through the means of a flashback or flash-forward this is a way of moving drama forward and can break up action to enhance tension of the narrative.

A good example of cross-cutting being used is in: Inception and can be viewed here:. Posted by Unknown at Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Labels: C. TV Adverts. MediaEllie 13 Shawshank redemption rooftop scene at MediaEllie 8 July at Newer Post Older Post Home.

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Shawshank Redemption tarring roof scene with English Closed Captions

, time: 4:56

The Shawshank Redemption- Rooftop Scene by Jamie Mckie

shawshank redemption rooftop scene

Shawshank Redemption tarring roof scene - analysis The Shawshank Redemption is famous for being one of the best movies ever created, this is due to scenes like this one keeping the audience engaged throughout, this scene keeps the audience engaged Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins As a team of well-versed professionals dedicated to helping students to achieve their academic The Rooftop Scene Of Shawshank Redemption goals, we ensure that every order is completed by the deadline, all instructions are met, and the quality corresponds to the highest academic standards. All our papers are % authentic, perfectly structured and free of any errors/10() Aug 01,  · The rooftop scene and the music scene in “The Shawshank Redemption” are used effectively in conjunction by Frank Darabont to portray the idea of Andy’s hope inspiring freedom to the other inmates at Shawshank through the use of similar camera angles and sound. Darabont uses Red’s voice over and high camera angles during both scenes

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